高考时间:2022年6月7日 - 2022年6月8日
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Last week, our class participated in an extracurricular activity on paper culture, which was really an unforgettable experience.y49答案圈

On Monday morning, some classmates and I noticed an announcement on the school bulletin board, saying an activity on paper culture would be held in the Capital Museum. Attracted by it, we signed up without any hesitation.y49答案圈

The activity started on Friday with a visit to the exhibition in the museum. Following the guide, we learned about the origin and development of paper and the detailed process of papermaking. What especially impressed us was how paper contributed to the preservation and spread of human civilization.y49答案圈

After that, we had some hands-on experience in making paper handicrafts. Divided into different groups, we learned with great enthusiasm. With the help of a master working there, the group of boys managed to create some paper cuts and lanterns while the girls tried different folding patterns, such as hearts, stars and birds. Not until then did we fully realize that paper can be made into so many objects in our life, either decorative or functional.y49答案圈

Before we left, we took a group photo to record the day. With the little pieces of work in our hands, we smiled heartily to the camera. At that moment, I came to know that the wisdom of our ancestors shown in paper culture should definitely be honored, recorded and passed down.y49答案圈




提示词:教职员工teachers and staffy49答案圈


Before graduation, in order to express our sincere gratitude to our beloved teachers and the hard-working staff, we prepared special gifts and “thank you” notes.y49答案圈

Last Monday after class, our monitor came up with an idea to extend our appreciation to the school faculty. After much thought, we decided to present them with cups featuring our class picture as well as write them “thank you” notes.y49答案圈

Soon afterwards, we began our project. In the following two days, some of us wrote the notes conveying our heartfelt appreciation while others carefully folded the finished notes into the shape of a heart. We also logged onto a self-customization cup website in the school’s computer room, chose our best class photos to customize the cups and made the purchases.y49答案圈

Last Friday, we received the delivery. With excitement, we got into small groups and presented our special gifts to all the dedicated teachers and staff. Holding the gifts, they all expressed their thanks and best wishes to us. Every day for the past three years, we have enjoyed interesting lessons, delicious meals, and a clean and safe campus. It is their hard work and devotion that has helped us become responsible people. y49答案圈

Graduation will come and go, but the love for our school will last a lifetime.y49答案圈

2020 东城二模英语作文



提示词:花苗 flower seedlingy49答案圈


One afternoon in early spring, I caught sight of a poster in my community which read “Green Community, Beautiful Home”. Having listened to the social workers’ introduction, I found the activity quite meaningful and decided to take part.y49答案圈

That Sunday, most of my neighbours gathered for the start of the activity. Since my mom was fond of flowers, we chose Chinese roses. Together with my parents, I carefully planted the flower seedlings and gently watered them.y49答案圈

A few days later, I was surprised to see our photos of planting flowers posted on the bulletin board in our community. My neighbours and I recalled the activity and talked a lot about how to take care of the plants.y49答案圈

Now looking after plants has become part of my life. This way, I can feel the simple pleasure of life and harvest a sense of achievement. Seeing the seedlings growing little by little, I can’t help picturing how beautiful our neighbourhood will be when all the flowers come out.y49答案圈





提示词:公园管理处the Park Servicey49答案圈


It was a bright sunny day, last Saturday. After getting up, I started to jog in the park near my home. I was so happy breathing the fresh air in the warm sunshine. When I came near the lake, I saw a kid fishing with his dad.y49答案圈

At first I didn’t notice the sign saying “No Fishing” because it’s too small to spot. But having known that fishing is forbidden here, I went up to stop them. They hadn’t seen the sign either until I showed them. The dad felt so sorry about what they had done and packed up all the gears immediately. Then we waved goodbye to each other.y49答案圈

When I was about to continue my jogging, a worry struck me. What if other people didn’t notice the small sign? I went to the Park Service to suggest making the sign larger and more obvious. The officer was so glad to take my advice and I felt very excited.y49答案圈

What a good Saturday!y49答案圈




提示词:汉语成语大赛Chinese Idioms Competitiony49答案圈


Last month, I with two of my classmates took part in the Fifth Chinese Idioms Competition of our school.y49答案圈

A few days before the competition, our head teacher announced the competition would be held in the school hall on March 26th. Two of my classmates and I were chosen as the competitors on behalf of our class. In the following days, we three spent all our spare time in the library, enriching our knowledge of Chinese idioms with the help of books, dictionaries and the internet. When the big day came, we were full of confidence and did an excellent job. After several rounds of fierce competition, we beat the other competitors and won the first prize. Standing on the stage with our certificate, we felt really proud of ourselves.y49答案圈

From this event, not only did we experience the great charm of Chinese idioms but also we learned to be confident and calm while facing challenges.y49答案圈




提示词: “红五月”歌咏比赛 the Red in May Chorus Contesty49答案圈


Last week, our class took part in the Red in May Chorus Contest, which definitely brought us a great sense of fulfillment.y49答案圈

The other day, a poster on campus about the contest very much attracted our attention. We were very excited about that and decided to participate in it.y49答案圈

Immediately, we searched the Internet for a proper song to sing, and finally decided on Defending Yellow River.y49答案圈

From then on, every day, we had many rehearsals under the direction of our teacher. Although we were busier and more tired than usual, we still treasured such happy moments together.y49答案圈

Last Friday, the final competition took place as planned in the school auditorium. Wearing choir robes, we sang passionately, which garnered us hearty applause from the audience. Not surprisingly, we got the first place.y49答案圈

When interviewed by the school TV station after the awards ceremony, we expressed our excitement and pride, not only for our excellent achievement, but also for our great motherland.y49答案圈


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